09 February 2009

i am becoming a computer G.E..N..I.US!!!!!!

i always admired Data from the movie Goonies. sometimes his gadgets worked and other times they failed miserably (in form, not thought) ....but he is still pretty damn cool because he was always figuring out new ways to get crap done.

i've been taking my first college class since i graduated in 1997 and it has been a source of inspiration. it's web design programming course that teaches how to use technology that was even available when i was doing the dial-up thing at utah state.

i've been programming using css and figuring out how it all works again and as i have little successes, damn it makes me feel smart... then after having that sense of satisfaction, i think "hey, i can do that better, cause i'm awesome." so it leads to taking the energy (not necessarily time) to come up with a more creative solution for a design client....they like it, up i go another notch or two.... and then i have to guts to take some more daring adventures into business and leave fear behind...(okay, fear is still stuck to the bottom of my right shoe, but i'm hoping i can wear it down or scrape it off onto a curb pretty soon).

so maybe what i'm saying is just know that if you really want to begin doing new, cool stuff.... then do it.... period..... maybe with my new, larger brain capabilities i'll invent something to reverse global stupidity or something big ..the possibilites are endless hum...


brie said...

Hey, I agree. Your are a computer wiz (or is it whiz? which one means you're taking a leak?).

And I'm trying new things too...like sewing n stuff. Who knew I could be, like good that things?


rufannmama said...

i already thought you were a computer genius. who else could paste a different head on my kid for the family photo. only you. hooray for expanding geniusness...ness..

A said...

it's all true--and i've been there to witness some of it. congrats on expanding your brain cells. i love the fear analogy. keep walking on it, just like a piece of chewed gum, and sooner or later it's bound to wear off or blend in and you don't notice it any more. take that FEAR!

page said...

Can you get any more cool? I am done trying to keep up. I got a cool computer and yet you still won't come see me. I just pretend I know how to use it... I need you, your brain, and sausage fingers to come visit. Happy Birthday warm-up by the way.