17 April 2008

auntie rachie

i have two nephews and two nieces. the nephews are at the age that i am just an old, uncool aunt who might give them birthday money so they have to laugh at my jokes. this causes me to have an overwhelming desire to embarrass them any chance i get.

my nieces on the other hand think i'm way cool. emi gets chocolately milk for breakfast (and gets to put her own chocolate in... it is very chocolately) and ella climbs all over me to get whatever i might have in my hands. i laugh when they do naughty stuff and give in to their every whim. i am auntie rachie. i am emi's "best friend" and we do "wicked cool" stuff together.

photo booth..... ella loves the computer, the chat, seeing herself... here's a rare moment when ella has a smile on camera.

she always needs to get a closer look.

then of course emi loves anything photo related....

try making sure everyone gets a chance....

now this is dedication. for not everyone can be auntie rachie, nor do they get to be.


brie said...

At least your nephews pretend to put up with you. My older nieces and nephews don't even give me a second glance - they know I'm far too poor to give any money, anyway.

You do realize, in that first picture of you and Ella, that she looks like she weighs almost triple what you weigh, right? Honestly, and I'm not just saying this, she might be the biggest baby I've ever seen. And I know she'll grow into it, whatever, because giant babies always do, but wow. She's amazingly big and beautiful!

That last pic made me crack up, too. I can so sense your stress. :)

page said...

Wow! I love those kids. We really need a play date. I just want to squeeze them. I think Venice would call Ella 'squeezers' like she calls Leah. You look like you are having a great time. I am a bit jealous. I've just spent the last 10 minutes on the web site jello.com. I am helping bring a meal into someone and I was assigned 'jello salad'. As far as I'm concerned the words jello and salad do not belong anywhere near one another. Cook, i do. Boil and refrigerate, i don't. You know the jingle- J.E.L.L...NO! I guess here goes noth'n.

Michelle said...

Sorry, I have to say it. Those pictures are CUTE.

alana.rachelle said...

i think the photo shop application was one of god's gifts to anyone in charge of watching children. they love it and you get some hilarious pics in the process! fun stuff!

Unknown said...

LOl. I did not get to be an auntie before I was a mommy... I am ruined forever. None of my kids gets to put their own chocolate in their milk.